Sunday, April 18, 2010

Particle science * x = Vedanta !

Amidst the cacophony of IPL contoversiy and celebrity gossip one significant scientific breakthrough has been overlooked and didn't get registered on our grey cells. It was the successful testing of the LARGE HAEDRON COLLIDER in the CERN facility somewhere underground below the European continent. When something as significant as the GSLV launch by India doesn't find much coverage in the media it is understandable why an event, no matter how significant it may be, that happened underground and that too in Europe didn't cross the view of our media persons.

It's said that the scientists have achieved a successful collision of sub atomic particles at energy levels about 3 eTera volts.(I don't know its exact significance, but if the unit shows "Tera" then I guess it must be insanely high :-)). And this is just the half of the total energy levels for which the LHC has been designed for. Now drifting to a more relevant area, scientists say that this experiment tries to recreate the situation that existed right after the big bang some 13 billion years ago. (Now I understand why scientists are so nut cases!). There are lot of theories that pronunciate the creation of this universe. Most of them say that this universe was created as a result of a very big explosion called big bang and that the entire universe was about the size of an atom just prior to the explosion. As a result of those incomprehensible, unimaginable forces a big explosion happened and as a result a lot of subatomic particles were created and they in turn collided to form newer materials and this process went on and on till more and more tangible and stable particles were created which eventually led to the creation of this universe as we know now.
Now first of all I have to admit that I don't know the entire big bang theory, but still I have few questions at my disposal which needs to be clarified. If this theory says that the universe was created out of a big bang then does it mean that there was no universe prior to it? because creation means the coming into existence of something which was non-existent earlier. This leads to another question; So this universe was created out of nothing by the big bang? It can not be, because the scientists themselves say that all the energy existed in a very concentrated form known as singularity. Well, well, well, if big bang happened because of the already existing energy then how can it called as the CREATION? because the name itself supposes that something non-existent should come to existence. In other words that something came out of nothing which is inconceivable because in my school days I distinctly remember the fundamental scientific concept that "energy can neither be created nor destroyed".
It was at this juncture when I was at the crossroads of scientific turmoil :-), I stumbled upon a book which clarified all my doubts. It's one of the 12 works of Swami Vivekananda; 2nd volume to be precise. Among the host of all the answers to almost all the questions, following are a few.

All the massive celestial bodies with unimaginable sizes are all constituted of unimaginably smaller particles called atoms. If we go further we hit subatomic particles and this is the stage our current scientific knowledge has arrived at. Vedanta says that more finer and still finer particles exist beyond the subatomic particles. It says that what we see as a finite object is as a matter of fact infinite. For example if we take a tree, it's a finite entity. But if we keep on dissecting it there is no end to the amount of sub entities that are present and the same applies to all the things in this universe. Vivekananda beautifully states that we all are "infinitely finite" or rather infinite beings in an otherwise finite body.

Next statement is also an arresting one. As per the current scientific evolution, we believe that the universe is evolving, that universe evolved out of big bang, whereas vedanta says that universe not only evolves but also involves. Every evolution is succeeded and preceded by an involution and every involution is preceded and succeeded by an evolution. Evolution is a process in which the energy becomes grosser and grosser whereas involution is a process in which the energy becomes finer and finer. Hence Vedanta clearly states that there wasn't anything that can be remotely be called as creation for creation means something out of nothing which is impossible. This thought was beautifully taught to us in the Bhagawadgita which in turn is the abridged version of the Vedanta and it says "Never did I not exist, nor you, nor will any of us ever hereafter cease to be".

EPILOGUE: Vedanta says if you realise that one thing, by which you know everything that's the ultimate goal. In an interview the genius scientist Stephen hawking said that if we know that one thing (Unity) there isn't much left for physicists to know any further. Vedanta says you have to realise whereas science says you have to know. So I am inclined to say that Vedanta is the epitome of true scientific achievement and the pinnacle which the present science is trying to reach. That's why I say that Particle science or for that matter, science multiplied a X number of upgradations equals Vedanta!!!!


Raguraman said...

One of the book i read quoted -"Science has never crossed (and never will) sprituality, but tries to prove it"... Scientists are still at atom level where our ancestors have already identified/realized much more sub-atomic particles than it... Recently i came across a term "lifetrons" - a sub-atomic particle that origniates from Sun and meant to be the essence of life. Spritually advanced humans can directly consume! these lifetrons through their body and can survive without any food... For others?? - Trees/Plants has the capability and capture these lifetrons and convert it into energy (remember photosynthesis!), ready to by consumed by humans...
As Newton (and recently Reddy :-)) said... Energy cannot be created/destroyed, but can be converted from one into other form... Far as i understand, nature does it implicitly...

Rajesh Kumar Babu said...

Do you mind changing the background from black to a pleasant one, as it is painful(atleast for me) reading with black ground.

K.Deviprasadareddy said...

Hi Rajesh, Hope the background colour change is ok now.