Saturday, June 26, 2010

World's happiest couple!

Recently I was busy in finding the happiest couple in the whole world. Well to some skeptics the two words 'happy' & 'couple' may sound like an oxymoron, but sarcasm apart, I still tried to find out one such couple. I was about to give up this endeavour which was turning out to be futile, but in the last minute much to my relief I found out one such couple. You may ask why one should put so much effort in a relatively not so important matter. On the contrary I believe that this information will be like a beacon of light in the darkness for all my newly married friends and for those who are awaiting their turn.

And as per my findings the happiest couple in the whole world were Adam & Eve. Simply because Adam didn't have to listen to Eve about all the men she could have married and Eve didn't have to listen to Adam say how well his mother cooked. :-)

To remain as a happy couple, this is the recipe!

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