Monday, March 8, 2010

Oscars scoop!!!!

Ealier last month I made 6 predictions for this year's oscars. Out of 6 only one came true, i.e, best supporting actor for Christopher Waltz and out of the technical categories only best visual effects went to Avatar. Best sound and sound mixing went to Hurt locker. This shows that there is still scope for improvement in recognising the true talent: for the academy of course :-).
For best adapted screenplay I expected "Up in the air" would win. But it went to "Precious". For best score I wanted "Sherlock Holmes" to win but went to "Up" the animation movie. But the most prized awards of best picture and best director went to "The Hurt locker" and its director "Katherine bigelow". As per the PST, on the eve of Women's day the academy would have felt somewhat sentimental and relevant to give those awards to a woman director and to her picture. This is the first instance in the history of 82 years of oscars that a woman has walked away with the best director oscar.(Imagine, we are in the 63rd year of independent India!)

But I wish to take this scoop in my stride and sincerely wish that the academy will pull up their socks and try to reach my standard! :-)

1 comment:

Siva said...

i really liked the punch you had on the last line of your first para!!