Sunday, March 28, 2010

IPL - Indian Pathetic League

Indian Premier League is currently underway and every evening we are told that it's a feast for the eyes, what with atleast two nail baiting high quality matches. Set max has taken this responsibility of broadcasting these matches upon itself and beaming them right into our homes, into our drawing rooms. For those who are stuck up in offices "Youtube" has come to their rescue what with live match video feeds in it. It's been said and observed that viewership is at an all time high, TRPs are ruling the roost, it's providing excellent entertainment with fashion shows, with music videos, with fire works, with cheer leaders, with new advertisements, with parading of glamorous models along with cricketers, countless number of analysis, pre-match discussion, post-match discussion and what not? Amidst all this cacophony one has overlooked one simple yet central entity, "CRICKET".

Off late it has become a fashion to say that cricket is no more just a game that it has to be repackaged and to be presented as entertainment. Otherwise current generation will not accept the game. Well let me say this to whosoever conceived these conceptions that there is one major flaw in it despite being partially right. I agree with the view that everything undergoes change and it is imperative to adapt to the changing environment and times. But it's no excuse to indulge in dousing the spirit of the game itself. Let me elucidate further on this topic.

When we observe major leagues all over the world, they have all evolved as an attempt to tap the business opportunity using the existing format of the game. Nowhere can you see the game being modified to suit business requirements. On the contrary all the businesses are fit into the game's scheme of things. But here we are modifying the game itself for the sake of business. Cricket by its nature is a game which is every corporates' or ad agency's dream come true because it provides so much visibility which is quintessential for anybody who wants to advertise their products or services. Now this has gone to such an extent that the game is being used just as a means for advertisement and nothing else. To substantiate this statement is very easy. Just watch any IPL match this evening and you can find that 30% to 40% of the screen is occupied with advertisements some text based and some graphic based. If there is some small delay in the bowler's run up, you can see an ad squeezed within that time. If not they will show you the ads being played in the giant screens present in the ground. If a decision is pending there's an ad, if a player is injured there's an ad, if the captain is setting the field there's an ad. Some ads showcase an individual player's endorsement of a particular product, and some others show a team's endorsement of a particular product in which a particular individual player is also part. To which product his allegiance lies? No one knows! All this reminds me of the story of a goose which used to lay one golden egg each day. Trying to utilise cricket just for advertising is like killing that goose to have all the golden eggs which is sheer stupidity.

All the owners and corporates' may beat their chests and cry that they are doing this for the love of the game, for country and other stale reasons, but the fact is undeniable. If they want to really improve the game then they should be encouraging players in ranji trophy. That will strengthen the game at the grassroots level which is good for the game and eventually good for the business too. Hence this argument is invalid.

Eventhough I can be convinced albeit reluctantly by agreeing to the reality that it's all business! (and I know nothing about business) there is one more fact which I find it hard to ignore.
Every game has an intrinsic quality which makes it unique. Cricket's is "Unpredictability". All the factors such as size of the ground, type of ball being used, pitch, dew, visibility, day or night etc, play a factor in the outcome of this game. More the number of variables more possible outcomes, less the predictability, more suspense and more enjoyment. This is the soul of this game and this is what makes a game transcend generations and generations. But when this soul is taken away the game will die a natural death. This is what is being assiduously attempted at this grand farce called IPL. In no other league, the game is modified favouring a particular segment of the game like in cricket. For example, pitches are made to be batsman friendly, boundaries are shortened, field restrictions have been modified, introduction of free ball; all to help batsmen and to kill the spirit of bowlers. If you want to modify the game by eliminating all the variables favouring only the batsmen, then it's much better to get a throwing machine instead of a bowler.

Cricket unlike any other game represents the life very closely. Like in life, it has highs like the first 15 overs, lows like quick fall of wickets, a period when nothing significant happens like in middle overs and something very exhilarating like the slog overs. And the last but not the least, the unpredictability factor in which an underdog can sometimes overcome even the invincibles to win a match is what makes cricket what it is. If this soul is taken away it's no better than a video game. One may feel like having fun can never experience the essence of the game.

EPILOGUE: Moreover game is never meant to be entertainment. If a player or a team work their hearts out and sweat it out on a field it's not to entertain the audience but to achieve excellence in what they do. Roger federer doesn't want to win one grand slam after another to entertain the audience or to just be famous but for the sake of the game. Sachin doesn't bat the way he bats to entertain the audience but only for the sake of the game. Any game or for that matter any work needs to be played for its sake only. If audience want entertainment they can very well hit a theatre and watch a movie. Games and sports are not meant for entertainment but for something else and that something else is "inspiration". Once the legendary tennis player "Evan lendle' was criticised for being sober and not that entertaining for which he responded something like "I am a player and I like playing and giving my best. If you want entertainment, you better choose something else" Well this statement surmises what I had been trying to tell the whole time.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Women's reservation bill

Recently the bill proposing 33% reservation for women in the parliament and in state assemblies was passed in the upper house "Rajya sabha" amidst lot of hue and cry from some of the political parties. There is some criticism that women can not handle the bonhomie of politics and will easily succumb to the inherent pressures and hence will be ineffective. Well, looking back at the track record of our male politicians in the last 63 years, I believe that women can certainly do better than male politicians. Even if they turn out to be worse than their male counter parts it doesn't get bad than the current situation. Then what harm is there in giving them a chance to take a shot at politics? At least women can get to make their presence in terms of numbers. To put it crassly, at least the glam quotient of politics would increase if this bill becomes an act. :-)

But if we go by the track record of general reservation over the past few decades it is evident that eventhough it has uplifted a lot of people from socially and economically deprived sections of the society, there's been a gross misuse of this. This time if we make sure to minimise the misuse part to a bare minimum then this bill would certainly be a landmark in the evolution of Indian democracy. For that to happen there is one more test in the lower house of parliament which I am eagerly waiting for.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Oscars scoop!!!!

Ealier last month I made 6 predictions for this year's oscars. Out of 6 only one came true, i.e, best supporting actor for Christopher Waltz and out of the technical categories only best visual effects went to Avatar. Best sound and sound mixing went to Hurt locker. This shows that there is still scope for improvement in recognising the true talent: for the academy of course :-).
For best adapted screenplay I expected "Up in the air" would win. But it went to "Precious". For best score I wanted "Sherlock Holmes" to win but went to "Up" the animation movie. But the most prized awards of best picture and best director went to "The Hurt locker" and its director "Katherine bigelow". As per the PST, on the eve of Women's day the academy would have felt somewhat sentimental and relevant to give those awards to a woman director and to her picture. This is the first instance in the history of 82 years of oscars that a woman has walked away with the best director oscar.(Imagine, we are in the 63rd year of independent India!)

But I wish to take this scoop in my stride and sincerely wish that the academy will pull up their socks and try to reach my standard! :-)

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sex, lies and Ashrams!

A few days ago there was a breaking news in all the news channels about a god-man who was in the eye of a sex scandal. There were even pictures showing him in a compromising position with an actress and that news is still breaking!!!!! Gone are the days when people looked for either a hotel room or a bush or some other means to get hooked. They realised that it costs money and err.. is not convenient, you know? Here comes into the picture, the power of thinking. The purpose of physical fling, to put it decently is to have a good time. You can not have a good time if there is disturbance and distraction all around you. So what would one do to have a peaceful environment? He would either go to a temple or to an ashram. This is what the priests are doing, but the former had already been occupied by a priest from Kaanchipuram.Most of us are aware of the video showing the divine banging act :-). Poor fellow, this second priest is left with no choice but to use the second option and that is the Ashram.

Actually I find no wrong in it and I am surprised why everybody is making such a haullaballo over this one. Actually this highlights the devotion of these guys and how religious they are. Whatever they do in their lives they want to involve Him. Actually that's a good thing. :-)

Some one said that "women need a reason to have sex, whereas men just need a place." Oh boy! they did find a place! The ashrams, the sanctum sanctorum inside the temples. The only concern for me out of this brouhaha is henceforth if anybody says that they are going to a temple or to an ashram what would be our imagination?

Shame, shame puppy shame!!!!